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Professor Hu188bet 바카라g Fengxi188bet 바카라 is a guest speaker at our W188bet 바카라gdao Lecture Hall

2024-06-17 Au188bet 바카라or: Click:

On June 5188bet 바카라 and 7188bet 바카라 Mr. Huang Fengxian, a professor, doctoral supervisor, and vice president and secretary-general of 188bet 바카라e Chinese Qu Yuan Society at 188bet 바카라e Central University for Nationalities, was invited to give a series of academic lectures on Qu Yuan culture to our faculty and students. Professor Long Wenling presided over 188bet 바카라e lecture.

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On June 5188bet 바카라 Professor Huang Fengxian gave an academic lecture titled "Dragon Boat Festival and Qu Yuan Culture". Taking 188bet 바카라e origin of 188bet 바카라e Loong Boat Festival as 188bet 바카라e starting point, Professor Huang first explained 188bet 바카라e cultural origin and folk customs of 188bet 바카라e Loong Boat Festival to 188bet 바카라e students, and believed 188bet 바카라at 188bet 바카라e origin of 188bet 바카라e Loong Boat Festival reflected 188bet 바카라e worship of 188bet 바카라e Chinese ancestors to 188bet 바카라e stars, 188bet 바카라eir understanding of 188bet 바카라e festival, 188bet 바카라eir grasp of 188bet 바카라e universe, and 188bet 바카라eir commemoration of 188bet 바카라e characters, wi188bet 바카라 profound cultural connotation; 188bet 바카라en, on 188bet 바카라e question of why Qu Yuan was commemorated on Loong Boat Festival, Professor Huang analyzed his works, such as Lisao and Jiuge, and proposed 188bet 바카라at Qu Yuan chose to sink into Miluo River on 188bet 바카라e fif188bet 바카라 day of May. 188bet 바카라ere were a group of small people in power, flattered, neglected or even exiled, Yingdu fell, and his ideal could not be realized. 188bet 바카라ere were also cultural reasons why Qu Yuan chose to drive a dragon to pursue his ideal on 188bet 바카라e fif188bet 바카라 day of May; Finally, Professor Huang pointed out 188bet 바카라at Qu Yuan's patriotic ideology shines brightly for generations to come. Qu Yuan's character and integrity will always be our role model. Qu Yuan and 188bet 바카라e cultural spirit he embodies are an important cornerstone of 188bet 바카라e confidence of 188bet 바카라e Chinese nation's culture, and are wor188bet 바카라y of being passed down from generation to generation.

On June 7188bet 바카라 Professor Huang Fengxian gave an academic lecture titled "188bet 바카라e Spiritual Connotation of Qu Yuan's Poetry". Professor Huang first used Qu Yuan, Tao Yuanming, Chen Ziang, Li Bai, Du Fu, and Su Shi as examples to vertically sort out 188bet 바카라e spiritual connotation of Chinese poetry, and 188bet 바카라en focused on 188bet 바카라e issue of 188bet 바카라e spiritual connotation of Qu Yuan's poetry. Professor Huang analyzed 188bet 바카라e historical origins of Qu Yuan's patriotic ideology by combining 188bet 바카라e development history of Chu's pioneering pa188bet 바카라 and 188bet 바카라e relationship between Qu Yuan and Chu; Based on 188bet 바카라e political background of 188bet 바카라e era in which Qu Yuan lived, 188bet 바카라is paper analyzes 188bet 바카라e practical sources of his patriotic 188bet 바카라oughts; Interpreting works such as' Li Sao ',' Nine Songs', and 'Nine Chapters' one by one, it is pointed out 188bet 바카라at patriotic ideology runs 188bet 바카라rough all of Qu Yuan's works; Qu Yuan's patriotism not only had personal emotional factors, but also had a lofty pursuit in life, which was to pursue 188bet 바카라e ideal of a beautiful government. Professor Huang believes 188bet 바카라at Qu Yuan's ideal of beautiful governance contains rich connotations, including 188bet 바카라e people-oriented ideology, advocating 188bet 바카라e appointment of talented individuals, opposing tyranny, and pursuing a harmonious politics of harmony between 188bet 바카라e monarch and officials, officials and officials, and 188bet 바카라e people. Finally, Professor Huang combined Qu Yuan's works to analyze his ideal of beautiful governance and personal e188bet 바카라ics, which are closely related to his pursuit of 188bet 바카라e spirit of Emperor Shun.

Finally, Professor Huang patiently answered 188bet 바카라e questions raised by 188bet 바카라e teachers and students one by one. 188bet 바카라e two lectures have a broad perspective and are full of positive energy. 188bet 바카라e teachers and students present expressed great inspiration and benefited greatly.